Giving Directions
Most of our clients have a zoomable, scrollable, Google map (as well as written directions from major city locations) on their website’s direction page. When new patrons, clients and/or business partners need to know “how to get there”, direct them to your website’s directions page. This will minimize the time it takes to explain directions over the phone and let them more accurately discern the best route for them. Directing them to the page will also increase the traffic on your site. (Of course we are not suggesting losing the personal touch, but recommend this especially when time is short.)
Using Interactive PDF Forms
Using these forms will save valuable time before initial client meetings and appointments, not only for you and your staff, but for your clients. Forms can be filled out online and submitted via email or as a printed hard copy. PDF forms create easy accessibility for your clients to your most used documents and present a modern professional approach, rather than slower, less ecologically friendly, traditional method.